Third nesting!

June 29, 2009

True to form the bluebirds have selected the modified Gilbertson nest box for their third nesting cycle of 2009.  The first two nestings were in the nestcam box.  When we observed the bluebirds hauling pine straw to the Gilbertson, we put a small pile of pine straw near the nest box to make it easier for them.


Hard at work building the third nest of the season!


You can observe the bluebird activity from the yardcam by clicking on the link below.

yardcam video

You may want to use the zoom feature in the web viewer to get a closer look at the entrance hole of the Gilbertson nest box.

Bluebird Shepherd

Email Bluebird Shepherd

Nestlings are growing!

June 18, 2009

The five bluebird nestlings in the second clutch continue to develop.  They are very active now.

Bluebird Shepherd

Email Bluebird Shepherd

Five more bluebirds!

June 13, 2009

The nestcam box has proven to be a popular nesting site in 2009.  The second clutch of five nestlings are in the box and developing into bluebirds.

YouTube Video Clip of the Nestlings

Bluebird Shepherd

Email Bluebird Shepherd


June 11, 2009

All five eggs from the second clutch in the nestcam box hatched today.  Mother Bluebird is busy keeping them fed.


We will continue to put out plenty of mealworms to help keep all the bluebirds well fed.

Bluebird Shepherd

Email Bluebird Shepherd


Brooding Duty!

June 5, 2009

Mother bluebird spends most of the day and night brooding the eggs.  She will occasionally turn the eggs.


We expect the eggs to hatch between June 10–12.

Bluebird Shepherd

Email Bluebird Shepherd